Meet our wonderful Beachlands team

  • Vivien | Centre Manager

    Kia Ora, my name is Vivien Bartley, I’m the Centre Manager at Small Fries Beachlands. I’m a fully registered ECE teacher and gained my ‘Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education’ in 2008 from the New Zealand Tertiary College. I began in Early Childhood education when I attended Play Centre with my 2 children, whom are now adults. I believe in giving value and respect to every child, thus enhancing their holistic wellbeing and belonging, enabling them to show respect back to others. Learning each child’s individual character can guide us to be able to best help, give encouragement and support to each child. Teaching from the heart creates happy, caring, settled children. Working in partnership and giving support to the families/whānau is just as important to the caring we give to their children. Most importantly, I love to engage with children so that they can have fun in these special early years of their lives! In my spare time I enjoy listening to music, reading, and family time is very important to me.

  • Fony | Qualified Teacher

    My name is Fony Effendi and I come from Indonesia. In my spare time I enjoy travelling and watching movies. In the pursuit of becoming a proficient early childhood educator, I completed a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) from the New Zealand Tertiary College in 2011. I have since acquired approximately 10 years of experience as a registered early childhood teacher in childcare centres, predominantly in the toddler-preschool age range (O2’s ). I’m quite fortunate to be an educator. Being able to inspire a child and watch them reach their full potential by striving and succeeding in their learning is incredible. Every individual views the world differently and likewise, every individual learns differently, therefore I tailor how I deliver my teaching according to each child. I especially love the smiles and laughter from our tamariki, that is what makes this worthwhile. Our tamariki are the key to the future, so it is a privilege to influence them positively.

  • Mari | Administrator & Teacher

    Kia Ora, I am Mari. I moved to New Zealand in 2018 with my wonderful husband Donovan, and our 2 children. For the last 12 years of living in South Africa I worked for a welfare organization, FAMSA Upington (Families South-Africa Upington), where I was Project Manager over Child and Youth Care workers. This is where my passion for working with children started and escalated. During my last 6 years with FAMSA I also took on the Financial Officer and Administration Role. On arrival in New Zealand I wanted to continue working with children and started working in the ECE Sector in the baby room and over 2’s room. During this time the opportunity came across my road to join a Christian Childcare Centre and I have been part of Small Fries Beachlands since October 2020 - it is a blessing working with the most amazing team. I am the Administrator and I am also working closely with the Centre Manager Amore, to support and help her in any way that I can. The best part is that I get to work with the children as well. I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the centre each day. I believe that I owe it to the children, as well as the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job in the hope that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in the children as well. 

  • Kate | Staff Development Manager

    Kia Ora! My name is Kate and I have been working at Small Fries since it opened in 2012. I have been working in the ECE sector for over 15 years and have spent time in all the age groups. Over the past few years at Small Fries I have been the Team Leader of the Tui room working with 2 & 3 year olds.  This year I am excited to move into the role of Teacher Development Manager. This role sees me working closely with all of our teachers (especially our registered teachers) observing, giving feedback and ensuring that our wonderful teachers are supported in order to create the best learning outcomes for all the children and their families. I am also working closely with the Centre Manager Verdette to support and help her in any way I can.

  • Shelley | Staff Support

    Kia Ora, my name is Shelley and I have been working at Small Fries since it opened in 2012 over at Windsor Park (on the North Shore). I have been working in the ECE sector for over 13 years and am passionate about seeing quality places of care and learning for our children, as well as supportive enjoyable places for our staff and teachers. I believe passionately that the experiences children have in their early years help shape them into the future, and am committed to helping create a place that sets our children up for the best start to life, primary school and beyond. As a full-time working mum myself, I am also committed to helping provide a service that supports parents within all the stresses and pressures that working life and parenting brings. My two children are at primary school now but attended Small Fries full-time from when they were 10 months old. I first-hand have benefited from the quality education, care and support Small Fries was able to provide our family and have seen the positive impact that the teachers that they had have had on their lives. I work between Small Fries Windsor Park and Small Fries Beachlands supporting centre operations and our teams. I love my days at Beachlands which are always filled with lots of cuddles, special times and adventures with the children and team. 

  • Kim | Qualified Teacher

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  • Gemma | Infant Specialist Teacher

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  • Kulwinder | Qualified Teacher

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